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Chung. BRS Gross anatomy. 9e. 2018.
1 Skeletal System
I. Bones
II. Joints
2 Muscular System
I. Muscle
II. Structures Associated with Muscles
3 Nervous System
I. Nervous System
II. Neurons
III. Central Nervous System
IV. Peripheral Nervous System
V. Autonomic Nervous System
4 Circulatory System
I. Vascular System
II. Lymphatic System
5 Organ Systems
I. Digestive System
II. Respiratory System
III. Urinary System
IV. Reproductive System
V. Endocrine System
VI. Integumentary
1 Vertebral Column
I. General Characteristics
II. Typical Vertebra
III. Intervertebral Disks
IV. Regional Characteristics of Vertebrae
V. Ligaments of the Vertebral Column
VI. Vertebral Venous System
2 Soft Tissues of the Back
I. Superficial Tissues
II. Deep Tissues
III. Suboccipital Area
3 Spinal Cord and Associated Structures
I. Spinal Cord
II. Spinal Nerves
III. Meninges
IV. Structures Associated with the Spinal Cord
V. Dermatome, Myotome, and Sclerotome
VI. Development of Back Structures
1 Thoracic Wall
I. Skeleton of the Thorax
II. Articulations of the Thorax
III. Breasts and Mammary Glands
IV. Muscles of the Thoracic Wall
V. Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Thoracic Wall
VI. Lymphatic Drainage of the Thorax
VII. Thymus
VIII. Diaphragm and Its Openings
2 Mediastinum, Pleura, and Organs of Respiration
I. Mediastinum
II. Trachea and Bronchi
III. Pleurae and Pleural Cavities
IV. Lungs
V. Respiration
VI. Lymphatic Vessels of the Lung
VII. Blood Vessels of the Lung
VIII. Nerve Supply to the Lung
IX. Development of the Respiratory System
3 Pericardium and Heart
I. Pericardium
II. Heart
III. Great Vessels
IV. Development of the Heart
V. Development of the Arterial System
VI. Development of the Venous System
VII. Fetal Circulation
4 Structures in the Posterior Mediastinum
I. Esophagus
II. Blood Vessels and Lymphatic Vessels
III. Autonomic Nervous System in the Thorax
Anterior Abdominal Wall
I. Abdomen
II. Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
III. Fasciae and Ligaments of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
IV. Inguinal Region
V. Spermatic Cord, Scrotum, and Testis
VI. Inner Surface of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
VII. Nerves of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
VIII. Lymphatic Drainage of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
IX. Blood Vessels of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
I. Peritoneum
II. Peritoneal Reflections
III. Peritoneal Cavity
Gastrointestinal (GI) Viscera
I. Esophagus (Abdominal Portion)
II. Stomach
III. Small Intestine
IV. Large Intestine
V. Accessory Organs of the Digestive System
VI. Spleen
VII. Development of Digestive System
VIII. Celiac and Mesenteric Arteries
IX. Hepatic Portal Venous System
Retroperitoneal Viscera, Diaphragm, and Posterior Abdominal Wall
I. Kidney, Ureter, and Suprarenal Gland
II. Development of Kidney, Urinary Bladder, and Suprarenal Gland
III. Posterior Abdominal Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
IV. Nerves of the Posterior Abdominal Wall
V. The Diaphragm and Its Openings
VI. Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Perineal Region
I. Perineum
II. Urogenital Triangle
III. Anal Triangle
IV. External Genitalia and Associated Structures
V. Nerve Supply of the Perineal Region
VI. Blood Supply of the Perineal Region
I. Bony Pelvis
II. Joints of the Pelvis
III. Pelvic Diaphragm
IV. Ligaments or Folds and Pouches of the Pelvis
V. Ureter and Urinary Bladder
VI. Male Genital Organs
VII. Female Genital Organs
VIII. Rectum and Anal Canal
IX. Blood Vessels of the Pelvis
X. Nerve Supply to the Pelvis
XI. Development of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract and Urinary Organs
XII. Development of the Reproductive System
Bones of the Lower Limb
I. Hip (Coxal) Bone
II. Bones of the Thigh and Leg
III. Bones of the Ankle and Foot
Joints and Ligaments of the Lower Limb
I. Hip (Coxal) Joint
II. Knee Joint
III. Tibiofibular Joints
IV. Ankle (Talocrural) Joint
V. Tarsal Joints
Cutaneous Nerves, Superficial Veins, and Lymphatics
I. Cutaneous Nerves of the Lower Limb
II. Superficial Veins of the Lower Limb
III. Lymphatics of the Lower Limb
Muscles of the Lower Limb
I. Muscles of the Gluteal Region
II. Posterior Muscles of the Thigh
III. Muscles of the Anterior and Medial Thigh
IV. Anterior and Lateral Muscles of the Leg
V. Posterior Muscles of the Leg
VI. Muscles of the Foot
Nerves of the Lower Limb
I. Branches of the Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
Blood Vessels of the Lower Limb
I. Arteries of the Lower Limb
II. Deep Veins of the Lower Limb
III. Development of the Lower Limb
Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb
I. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
II. Bones of the Arm and Forearm
III. Bones of the Hand
IV. Joints and Ligaments of the Upper Limb
Cutaneous Nerves, Superficial Veins, and Lymphatics
I. Cutaneous Nerves of the Upper Limb
II. Superficial Veins of the Upper Limb
III. Superficial Lymphatics of the Upper Limb
Axilla and Breast
I. Fasciae of the Axilla and Pectoral Regions
II. Axilla (Armpit)
III. Breast and Mammary Gland
Muscles of the Upper Limb
I. Muscles of the Pectoral Region and Axilla
II. Muscles of the Shoulder Region
III. Muscles of the Arm and Forearm
IV. Muscles of the Hand
Nerves of the Upper Limb
I. Brachial Plexus
II. Nerves of the Arm, Forearm, and Hand
III. Functional Components of the Peripheral Nerves
Blood Vessels of the Upper Limb
I. Branches of the Subclavian Artery
II. Axillary Artery
III. Brachial Artery
IV. Radial Artery
V. Ulnar Artery
VI. Veins of the Upper Limb
VII. Development of the Limbs
Structures of the Neck
I. Major Divisions and Bones
II. Muscles
III. Nerves
IV. Blood Vessels
V. Lymphatics
Deep Neck and Prevertebral Region
I. Deep Structures of the Neck
II. Deep Cervical Fasciae
III. Prevertebral or Deep Neck Muscles
IV. Development of Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland
Face and Scalp
I. Muscles of Facial Expression
II. Nerve Supply to the Face and Scalp
III. Blood Vessels of the Face and Scalp
IV. Scalp
Temporal and Infratemporal Fossae
I. Introduction
II. Muscles of Mastication
III. Nerves of the Infratemporal Region
IV. Blood Vessels of the Infratemporal Region
V. Parotid Gland
VI. Joints and Ligaments of the Infratemporal Region
Skull and Cranial Cavity
I. Skull
II. Bones of the Cranium
III. Sutures of the Skull
IV. Foramina in the Skull
V. Structures in the Cranial Fossae
VI. Meninges of the Brain
VII. Cranial Venous Channels
VIII. Blood Supply of the Brain
IX. Development of the Skull
Nerves of the Head and Neck
I. Cranial and Autonomic Nerves
II. Autonomic Nerves
I. Bony Orbit
II. Nerves
III. Blood Vessels
IV. Muscles of Eye Movement
V. Lacrimal Apparatus
VI. Eyeball
VII. Development of the Eye
Oral Cavity and Palate
I. Oral Cavity
II. Palate
III. Tongue
IV. Teeth and Gums or Gingivae
V. Salivary Glands
VI. Development of the Palate
VII. Development of the Tongue
VIII. Development of Teeth
IX. Development of Salivary Glands
Pharynx and Tonsils
I. Pharynx
II. Subdivisions of the Pharynx
III. Innervation and Blood Supply of the Pharynx
IV. Muscles of the Pharynx
V. Swallowing (Deglutition)
VI. Tonsils
VII. Fascia and Space of the Pharynx
VIII. Pharyngeal (Branchial) Apparatus
Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
I. Nasal Cavity
II. Subdivisions and Mucous Membranes
III. Blood Supply to the Nasal Cavity
IV. Nerve Supply to the Nasal Cavity
V. Paranasal Sinuses
VI. Development of the Nasal Cavity
Pterygopalatine Fossa
I. Boundaries and Openings
II. Contents
I. Introduction
II. Cartilages
III. Ligaments of the Larynx
IV. Cavities and Folds
V. Muscles
VI. Innervation
VII. Development of the Larynx
I. External Ear
II. Middle Ear
III. Inner Ear
IV. Hearing and Equilibrium
V. Development of the Ear
I. Cranial Nerves
II. Autonomic Nerves of the Head